
ImportError in Ipython (Linux )

Usually a Linux based machine comes up with a default Python interpreter which may or may not be of the version you really want. For e.g. in CentOS 6.8, the default is usually Python 2.6.6 which is required by yum package manager. Letting it untouched is advised as it may damage the yum manager. Hence, a separate install for a different Python interpreter is  what a user does.  Let us say you have installed Python 2.7.13 and then you installed some packages using pip or conda or any other means. Now if you install Ipython at some later point, this Ipython may not be able to fetch the sitepackages from the new Python. It by default searches for packages in old Python directory which is different from the new one. For me, the new directory of python site-packages are:  /usr/local/miniconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages', and  '/usr/local/miniconda/lib/site-python' This needs to be given to the PYTHONPATH variable inside the ~/.bashrc file. Thus...

Installing Theano on 64 bit Windows using Pip

Hi! So I will be here briefing about the steps for the installation of Theano on 64 bit version of Windows. The instructions are also provided on the official page of Theano but some dependencies required for Theano poses few problems especially on 64 bit version of Windows. Actually I write these steps so that they can be useful to me later in the future. Anyways, here it goes: Dependencies : Python == 2.7* or ( >= 3.3 and < 3.6 ) : Go to and install 2.7.* version. After installing Python, go to "C:/Python27". Add C:/Python27 and C:/Python27/Scripts to the  Path  in System Environment Variables (SEV) to . For SEV, just search "variables" in windows start. This allows us to use Pip on command terminal. NumPy >= 1.9.1 <= 1.12: Open cmd terminal and enter  p ip install numpy SciPy >= 0.14 < 0.17.1: Scipy is a bit tricky for 64 bit. Go to and download...

Using pip in windows under a proxy

Damn these proxies! They make our life difficult but seems to be necessary to at least provide a basic security to infrastructures such as Universities and firms. This is my first post and I would be telling about how to use pip command under a proxy. Well, it is quite simple. To install using pip pip --proxy=http://<YourProxyAddress>:<YourPort>@<username>:<pwd> install <package_name> Voila! That's it.